
US Being Isolated, Petrodollar Ending, + Viewer Questions! | Jim Willie

 Jim Willie editor of the hat trick letter found on golden jackass him say . energy level are doing quite well all right well we had some viewers submit some questions today well so we'll get to those but first I'd like to address one of the main topics that you've been focusing on recently which is the US German trade war can you tell us a little bit about this sure first of all I'd like to make a comment that the United States is now a fascist nation and it's not well recognized we occasionally hear the descriptive term of neocon I believe neo-cons cut across democrat and republican lines to form approximately 75 to 80% of the Congress and that's a very ugly percentage because the non fascists are popularized so it means that the fascists have about 3/4 control of our government the fascists have a characteristic over history of killing their hosts going to war with their enemies and alienating and defrauding their allies and the u.s. is no different we're now engaging in an escalation of the Russian sanctions I apologize I'm going to be clearing my throat like every thirty seconds and that is just the way it's going to be I'm overcoming the worst illness in my life we've had Russian sanctions in place applying to European companies for over two years now the United States in its incredible stupidity and stubbornness and arrogance has decided to target German companies working toward the Nord Stream - gas pipeline between Germany and Russia not just the construction companies but the finance companies the Germans have tolerated us interference in their commercial and business sector for over two years with some rather nice compliance and obedience and dropping to the knee to kiss the fascist ring in Washington but this seems to have gone over the line I've made a comment for two years running that the energy pipelines from Germany to Russia are off limits with respect to the sanctions and that has been the case for quite some time the Germans are reacted in the past two years by setting up subsidiaries inside Russia so they wouldn't have to export to Russia they'd simply ship it inside Russia domestically the energy pipeline is now in focus it's multiple pipelines but the the fascists in Washington have decided that they're going to impose sanctions on German companies involved with this nordstrom - this is insane this is without precedent imagine the Chinese telling the United States if they're going to face fines if they do business agriculturally with South America absolutely intolerable well the Germans have responded by saying you're out of bounds out of line and out of step we will not honor these we will not follow these rules and furthermore we're going to impose sanctions on US companies if you would continue toward this incredible line of stupidity so we're working toward trade war between the United States and Germany right after an important session took place where Donald Trump president made a statement that France and Germany and the other European countries we're going to have to make greater payments and contributions financially toward NATO war war build-up you know weapons purchases cetera the German said no way we're not interested in that now you're starting to see a lot of German comments from high levels like there I think he's economics minister Gabriel Gabriel is making comments if they need to rethink and so is Merkel to rethink all their rules and regulations toward Russian Commerce we're moving toward a position where the Germans are going to either ignore the Washington rules or else oppose them and match them with their own onerous rules toward Washington the result is that Germany is starting to flip east exactly as I had forecast three years ago I said after the Ukraine war and Russian sanctions that Germany would eventually flip east it's starting to happen the early signals are there and furthermore an incident took place with respect to the Turkish NATO base called Incirlik where the Germans removed 250 of their military men brought them back to Germany in response to some Turkish actions where the Turks were upset that Germany gave safe harbor to those some of the people involved in the failed Aragon coup attempt led by the United States and NATO troops on Turkish soil there's something else I'd like to say in addition to how the fascist kill their host and alienate their and their allies their foreign policy results in everything in failure every single foreign policy initiative resulting in a failure every single one a failure find a positive foreign policy initiative since 2001 when the fascist neo-cons took power and implemented their Patriot Act otherwise known as the fascist manifesto okay that's my little speech on Germany if you have a follow-up I'd be glad to try to answer it definitely so you were talking about how Germany is moving east did you want to expand on how you think this will impact the United States isolation United States is the only g7 nations not a member of the Asian infrastructure investment bank that's the only nation that doesn't send proper delegations to the one belt one Road programs conferences and initiatives we're moving toward isolation right now and what's furthering it along is the complete set of non dollar platforms such as the AIB that I mentioned the BRICS Development Bank the Chinese interbank payment system CIPS which is also known as the cross-border international payment system SCO the United States not going to join SCO because we're a NATO and have turned it from defense to offense and military aggression we're surrounding Russia on every one of their borders because Russia is so aggressive the fascist neo-cons use words and descriptions that apply themselves the result of all this is greater isolation at a time when the climate warming fraud and research scientists fraud is being exposed the pedophilia fraud is being exposed the GMO food and chromosome alteration fraud is being exposed the oil and gas as fracking for contamination of the groundwater is being exposed the lace vaccines is being disposed and the United States is behind all of it all of it so we're going to face alienation and possible quarantine in future months and future years the big event coming up real soon is that the Saudis start selling oil to the Chinese in RMB that'll be yet another nail in the petrodollar coffin and as the petro dollar becomes more and more disintegrated - facto standard you're going to have more and more immediate need for a domestic only dollar it the pressures are really mounting Elijah but the u.s. the consequence of all these different actions and in addition to war crimes in every single war front that the United States is involved in war crimes civilian murder the for instance the Saudis are using US weapons to bomb hospitals and schools in Yemen I mean we're not facing UN sanctions and harsh attention because we control the UN in fact I heard something really nasty from the voice about five or six months ago that the Saudis paid a huge bribe to the United Nations high-level officials so they would not be called down for Yemen war crimes so that you know this is where we're going the corruption is at all levels the all those different contamination and and corruption elements they're what I call the seven bowl of the apocalypse here that's right now it's in front of your face all you biblical scholars who focus on the future try focusing on the present it's right in front of your nose and I pointed out the result would be isolation a domestic only dollar and possible quarantine quarantine means like US citizens cannot travel abroad because they're from a pariah state u.s. is going to be marked a rogue nation all the things we do to the other nations like calling Iran and a rotation and sanctioning it freezing their assets these things are going to be done to the United States and soon moving on here to the viewers questions the first section of the video viewers questions have to do with currencies and this one is from Scott he asks once the gold trade note has gained wide acceptance and the u.s. is forced to introduce and devalue the scheisse dollar and come up with a hard asset backing for its currency would you agree that sharp reductions in US consumption and severe shortages are a more likely outcome as compared to just continuing a large trade deficit and forfeiting large amounts of gold and other assets uh yeah let me let me give my forecast or repeat it a description of what is likely with the scheisse dollar I expected to have a phony hard asset backing and the United States government will be called on it by the eastern nations as putting forth a fraudulent currency by that I mean I apologize I'm really struggling with my voice I'm feeling great I'm actually doing a move of my apartment I've got energy a backs a little sore but I got a lot of energy the only thing lacking right now is my voice I got some damage to my throat but they give you an example of what I think they might do to back the  new dollar they might say it's backed by doodles and oodles of oil and gas deposits in the United States they'll say for sure this backed by this Strategic Petroleum Reserve they're going to bring up the bullshit sorry they're going to bring up the BS that it was backed by the Fort Knox eighty-five hundred eighty seven hundred tons of gold that does not exist they might say they're going to put up for some form of commitment gold in the Grand Canyon in all the different placer deposits there they're going to bring up as a backing the North Slope of Alaska after this all happens the dollar will supposedly be backed by hard assets but one by one the analysts out there in the world community are going to knock off the different legs for the backing for the dollar and remember a new dollar means it's going to trade independently on the Forex which means it can be to valued and I think it's thinking it's going to be valued a little bit at first a little more later and then brutally devalued brutally devalued okay now the question was are we going to get reductions in consumption and severe shortage more likely than large trade deficits when I got to get one of the other we're going to get both since when do we get a choice the devalued new dollar will lower the trade deficit for sure by lower consumption but when you have a devaluation that means everything is more expensive to import so we're not going to reduce the trade deficit we're going to increase it while we have price inflation while we have shortages so while the households start to adjust by buying less let's just you know use some napkin math here for a minute let's say they drop five percent in demand but the price is up ten percent that means an increase of five percent on the deficit you don't get one of the other you get both take a look at Venezuela are they reducing their trade deficit no do they have shortages yeah are they getting worse oh yeah oh yeah okay so after the recognition that the scheisse dollar has a fraudulent backbone you're going to see brutal devaluations which means for example like a Toyota car which might cost now twenty five thousand will cost forty thousand now do you think there would be 30 percent less demand I don't think so I think it's going to be like ten twenty percent less to man a nice BMW right now it's like $50,000 it's going to go up to 8th it's going to bring up a lot of attention and scrutiny to how even in agriculture we've got an import problem I remember noticing 15 and 20 years ago that during the winter months there was quite a bit of fruit and vegetable produce in supermarkets from South America like chili tomatoes from Chile and it looked a little different they're tasty us in yeah it was last decade went over the mark and finally was over 50% in food imports now add all California droughts adult fracking which contaminates water add in the 1.3 billion gallons of Halliburton contaminated water in the California water system if they call it an accident that had zero fines from the Environmental Protection Agency add it all up and I think what you get Elijah is less California fruit and vegetable output so our import problem with food is getting worse probably importing 60% now okay I think the scheisse dollar is going to be a major major impetus toward pushing the dollar plus our toward pushing the United States as a nation into a recognized condition a third-world what it will do though is make foreign investment much more attractive imagine a 30% decline in the US dollar and Chinese initiatives to build high-speed railroads hire Americans although they won't be able to hire many imagine the inducement for European countries to purchase say office buildings and relieve some of the pressure from China China owns 30% of all the major urban commercial buildings in the United States that is a dirty dirty little secret that I guarantee is 90% of Americans don't know of course ill many Americans believe capital of Germany is France many people could not even begin to identify either Yemen or Djibouti on a map they proved long ago they can't identify Vietnam on a map so shy scholars going to be a very very big change agent and I think the biggest trigger toward making it come to pass will be the Chinese buying oil and arm RMB currency and the Chinese and other eurasian trade zone members starting to use a newly constructed gold trade note the pieces are coming together Elisha Libby is wanting to know about you know you have you been talking about a dual currency happening in the future where there's one kind of dollar inside the country and a completely different kind of dollar outside the country she's wanting to know have you heard of Doug Casey's prediction of the the introduction of fed coin where it would be like a digital currency created by the Fed that would be something new and not just the digital dollars the Fed creates out of thin air okay I think there are two dual concepts one is the dual dollar but let me first introduce what I call the dual currency universe okay I'll get to the question after this preface soon we're going to start to see a much more recognized global situation where the eastern hemisphere it's like half the world half our world on earth are going to use the RMB currency and the ruble Russian currency so the Russian and Chinese charges are going to dominate for trade and whatever dominates for trade will replace Treasury bond in their banking systems foreign countries have Treasury bonds in their banking systems to facilitate their trade payments if they're not done in Treasury bills the dollar they're going to be dumping their Treasury bonds so the dual universe will be the east using RMB and ruble and later introducing the gold trade note while the west you know the Western Europe England North America and a couple of slave vassal states like Japan Korea and Latin America they're still under the howitzers shall shadow from Langley and the Pentagon they're going to use the dollar so the West is going to use the dollar continue with trade famous and Treasury bills and continue to use Treasury bonds in their banking system okay that dual universe is going to be much more recognized soon but it's but immediately when the Chinese announce the gold trade note start the clock because the dollar which I like to call the king dollar its reign of terror start the clock for the death of the dollar the vanishing of the dollar okay now move on to the dual concept of the dollar when's this new dollar is introduced it's going to be a tremendous flashpoint it means the top the u.s. is no longer in control of the dollar as the global currency reserve that always means two big things not the standard for uniformly applied payments in trade so the Treasury bills not going to use everywhere for trade payments and that's just it's not just oil not just container vessels it's not just you know grain shipments it's international contracts consultants etc okay when that happens the US will be admitting that it no longer controls foreign held dollars by that I mean dollars that are not inside the United States it's that simple so dollars in Panama dollars in Singapore dollars in Hong Kong dollars in Zurich they're not going to be under compliance rules for the fascists running the US government it means the factor rules will fall by the wayside it means probably this is my conjecture which is a you know really nice word for educated guess my conjecture is the IMF led by China will start in its control of rules and regulations for internationally held dollars outside the United States inside the United States is going to be forced conversion citizens inside United States are going to have a very weird time with their foreign accounts and their dollars it might be called home if you think it's a small amount you're nuts it's like 20 trillion US citizens holding dollars outside the US or owning companies that hold dollars outside the US total 20 trillion and this could be a big initiative to bring it home to alleviate the trade deficit by virtue of the current accounts deficit okay more important than the trade deficit is the current account deficit what's the total on goods and services plus the financial instruments you know someone buys from from Germany or England by the big Miami hotel that does not address the trade deficit it addresses the current accounts deficit so if Donald Trump can encourage a lot of the 20 trillion come home every year like 1 trillion a year we alleviate the trade deficit impact by making it a zero currency I'm sorry and a zero current account deficit impact okay so when the dual dollar currency comes about we're going to see new offices new management the new management I think is going to be largely China China say can control the IMF they're actually the only country making good on their pledges with actual payments toward the function of the IMF we're going to be seeing a tremendous impact on global finance when the International dollar is no longer under US control the impact is going to be enormous inside the country due to the introduction and launch of the scheisse dollar for the reasons I stated before scrutiny of its false backing and then it's it's tremendous impact for a trade deficit let me just give you a quick equivalence napkin and more napkin math if the US has 550 billion dollars in trade deficit and it's not alleviated I'm sorry I got a drink and the 550 billion is not alleviated by current account deficit offset namely like huge amounts of money coming in the United States repatriated if the gold price is 1,300 that amounts to a forfeiture of 13,000 tons okay so we're in very very delicate position here all right as we read coin I I really don't trust anything the Fed would produce on digital currency my guess is they would use that as leverage to do harm to other crypto currencies but digital dollars might become a reality it could be soon I really don't know I really don't know I think it's unavoidable that we're going to see some US government Federal Reserve gambit and entry of crypto currencies so they're not left out in the cold but I just don't know how it's going to play out we're at an extremely delicate ground here on everything I I think I think Wall Street banks are going to try to produce a cryptocurrency and there they're going to be scrutinized heavily it and the process has already begun scrutinized for their validity for their efficiency and for their energy toward mined coin they're going to be a lot of winners and I just don't know how badly the losers are going to lose but seems to me that the whole Armada of crypto currencies is giving a serious challenge to the entire Forex toilet paper based currency system I I cannot see how the dollar or the Forex currencies can survive this assault click here to subscribe 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