

[Music] hi this is Dave Hodges of the common sense show and this is the show that's freeing America one enslaved minds at a time well I've been saying for some months now that the economy is a lot worse shape that we're being led to believe and the numbers are beginning to accumulate that demonstrate that that observation is indeed correct the Illinois tax rate has now soared over 1/3 33 percent after the Senate overrode the governor's veto on tax increases this is unbelievable what's happening to people in Illinois but it's even going to be more unfathomable when that launches itself this trend launches itself across the country if you think Illinois is the only state that is having this problem think again your state is affected too I don't think there are any states we could look at maybe outside of North and South Dakota whose budgets are to such a point where the people don't need to worry about what's happening with regard to the situation in Illinois it's going to go everywhere in addition Ron Paul has come out and he's looking at some of the same indicators because people are going to pull back from the stock market if they got to pay taxes is that right people are going to pull back if they have to pay more for food which tax increases will do people will drive less if taxes are increased on gasoline well this is all going to show up in investments and this is cause Ron Paul to come out and say quote I would not be shocked if stocks crashed 25 percent in three months and then we look at what's going on in Silicon Valley where orders are down dramatically and there are major fault lines running through Silicon Valley and we're going to see some corporate casualties there over the next several months the economic news is not good so let me ask you question do you have enough food water guns gold ammo and medicine well I can help you with the food and go to new Montcalm forward slash Hodges you know new money is one of the prime sponsors of our show new mana comm forward slash Hodges and take five percent off with promo code Hodges Nov 5 and then we'll take a look at what we need to do with the other stuff but first you need to get on track with food get the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have prepared your family again new Montcalm forward slash Hodges and the promo code for 5% off is hot just nov 5 if you're new to the comments then show want to keep updated on this situation as well as others that will come our way please go ahead and subscribe everybody else give us a thumbs up and we'll see you back here again next time [Music] you [Music]


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