
Clif High's live reaction interview to Populous's PPT secret sauce its BIGGER THAN VERITASEUM!

cliff high who is joining us for this exclusive interview and we're going to be going over a lot of crypto information and some exclusive and brand-new information regarding the populist PPT token which is going live on the exchanges on the 9th of July this Sunday so welcome back to the channel cliff thank you very much as I said we're going to be going into this populist sector and I just want to first off mention that the reason this came to my attention is it was picked up through one of your reports now the data that was actually found through your web bot sourcing highlighted it as a train as it were so that's obviously bought it to a lot of people's attention however when it actually was in its pre ICO phase it kind of slipped underneath the radar a little bit because during that timeframe we just came out of the ICO boom which was the status ICO which you also mentioned about we also had the 10x ICO and this one kind of just slipped under which a lot of people have only just sort of picked up on and I'm trying to find out a bit more information about it because obviously this is going to be a huge entry into the crypto space so cliff first of all do you have any relevant updates your side regarding the PPT token not necessarily new data per se but just to explain how I came across it there the it's an issue of the space that it occupies the cryptos are all not trying to crowd into the same market or retail area there's many different areas that that are now being approached with funding by icos and populist came up because it's a business model if you will and the actually it came up because the geographic references I kept getting lots of geographic reference to to adjust an odd set of occurrences which was at North Africa Middle East and Asia as a secondary spot and then I drilled down into it and I was like oh this is what's going on here the data is forecasting that the let's say the payment space or government interaction payment space however is going to be defined linguistically is going to be probably dominated by a company out of this region and I started looking into what the data was showing me and got clues as to the pop of populous and of course populous as a as a word is very key for us and was very very easily used to identify the space as a whole the interesting thing about populous really is that the area it occupies its some defined marketing space has yet to have any other significant movers in it and so to a certain extent it's very much like veritasium that if that they may actually that populous may actually have a chance to be the super dominant player and just because a first mover advantage and then the fact that they're not screwing around these guys are really serious about what they're doing so when you refer to them as being a dominant force is that just in their niche market or as a token in the entire crypto space one equals the other so if you dominate your niche market by very definition your head is up above the rest of the field so to speak and so you're easily seen so it's very much a situation of Google dominates search engines but their ever so much more than that simply because they were able to dominate search engines makes sense sure yeah because the way I'm saying things oversea veritasium is some massive and it's got a huge market cap they can actually penetrate into which I thought was of a higher volume then potentially populous can break into but you're saying that that might not be the case I'm saying definitively that is not the case again it is in so far as I can tell okay so if we look say two or three years out veritasium has a limited market it's a huge giant a dynamic market but it's really narrowly focused populist on the other hand is a much more broad train it goes to a lot of different areas and it's capable of doing different kinds of business the veritasium is simply not focusing on the veritasium is a really good solid engine it knows where it's going it's very specifically focused and so on populist is also specifically focused well engineered and that kind of thing but it's its potential number of tracks that can run on is just so much larger because it's not limiting itself to that small Wall Street Market if you will it's actually out doing real work in real government quarters getting contracts to you know provide this platform for payment processing etc etc okay so I think I should probably make it aware to the audience right now that those who follow me are fully aware that I'm heavily inside of the populist community haven't done an awful lot of research and obviously the videos that I'm now creating inside of it because like cliff is saying I actually also see something spectacular happening with inside of that space now I've been in talks with the team directly and they have willingly allowed me to kind of become their speaker through YouTube which i think is going to be very beneficial for them and ourselves getting first-hand information directly from the team now as of this morning prior to cliff comment on the populist team actually handed me over an official document regarding what they have decided to call the secret sauce which is actually the secret function of how the PPT token can be utilized inside of the populist platform so I'd like to share that with you if I can cliff and get your views and opinions now it's it's quite long arm so there is a section at the bottom which descriptions and more technical side but I'll leave that out and I will actually include that later on in the interview after cliff is gone in order to just to save his time because we are actually hard pressed for time but hopefully people coming back later on to reanalyze this with us so let me get straight into this and try and make as much sense of this as you can cliff sure so this is the official statement from populous on this 7th of July 2017 titled behold the secret source as we draw closer to the release of PPT we have decided to release some important features and functions around PPT our secret source is a term coined by the populist community we are releasing disinformation to avoid confusion from our PPT holders should they unknowingly sell their PPT for initial gains upon our token release on the 9th of July without being fully aware of the true benefits of holding PPT so what is the secret sauce simply the secret sauce lies within the populist collateral smart contract and PPT itself by saying this we mean that PPT can be used to purchase invoices on a platform while PPT holders maintain ownership of their PPT Holdings this effectively allows PPT holders to receive tokens every 30 90 and 120 days from their PPT Holdens in other words this is a state against the invoices this means the invoice contracts are to be settled by sellers on those timelines at 12 a.m. midnight at the latest so your PPT will be locked for those durations some interesting approach you know because it provides stability on the platform it provides the business stability that you need in the internet world by locking things up in the smart contract the appropriate payment for the restriction on your ability to move the tokens is just the perfect approach to this yet another reason that populist is going to do very well indeed and see the basic thing is not factoring ok it's not like you're buying an invoice from a tire shop that you know may or may not get to collect at all and may have issues with the payment way populace is going about it much of their work is related to government taxation and standard flow-through if you will so so what they're doing is disintermediating all of the other middle players in the sequence of getting money to and from governments in terms of payments and so forth providing it very much more efficient platform and because of the way they're doing it within the margin of that let me put it this way in a standard business you might have say 10 percent of all factored invoices that go bad that are belly-up which is a big chunk and so they put in all kinds of profit to cover that in this instance what populace is doing is reducing the costs everywhere which lowers the number of these contracts it'll go bad initially but also by tying it up there for the 60 30 60 90 day approach they're providing stability for the invoices on that it's going to be a very successful approach to doing this and it also means that they're basically banking on the I mean actually it is a form of savings if you will a saving account kind of a thing in the sense that those monies are those funds are tied up on their blockchain for that period of time with a known return I think see how they could easily get no 6 or 7 percent of all the invoices go bad that wouldn't impact their math at all that's all right and they've also got some more information in the end regard and what happens to the ones that do go bad so how valuable we'll just make PPT there are currently less in 1100 unique account holders of PPT our data analysts show that most of our PPT holders are willing to go long on PPT by revealing the characteristics about the PPT at this stage and they referring to the aggressive buy back and burn which I've outlined in other videos we only expect PPT to become much rarer than it currently is effectively pushing up demand for PBT in the long-term future we also expect demand for PPT to rise further from institutional investors once the populist platform goes into alpha and interesting I would I would buy that there see that was the big big thing in the data sets was that you would have institutions involved with these guys unlike a lot of the other coins where you may have hedge funds that come on in and simply by the token as am as a potential profits you know in selling it later the populist stuff the populist business model especially relevant institutions was such that it it showed up as being in linguistics its equivalent to say the 1950s and buying AT&T stock in the United States for the dividends you know you're going to get something that's going to produce year after year after year after year at a known rate could be extremely attractive to those companies that are attempting to offer pensions and that kind of in insurance and so on where they're simply not getting yield and so the data within the initial section that pointed me a populist was all about institutions seeking yield and why and they would be going after populist and so this made me think AHA if they're going to be you know if it's going to be a stampede of elephants at this may be a few of us my should should nip in ahead of that and get a few of these guys and that's why I brought it up okay and they go on to talk about for official reasons we cannot release the full inner workings of our algorithm at this present moment but we can say we look at the daily pricing of PBT and the daily circulation of PBT the active management is another issue there's two basically two approaches to coins and that is to have a finite amount as in Bitcoin which actually if you think about it's going to whittle down over time eventually they'll almost all be lost but the other approach is to have frothy or potentially unlimited coins and then to a management on them so populous is a hybrid approach that got a definitive number and then an aggressive burn pattern to reduce the amount of many that they're going to have to put into their funding part of their platform you know these guys just made so much sense all along a solid white paper really good thinking you know is when a few one of the very few that I see that I'm really impressed with and it's not obviously just the invoice factoring sector is it because they've got so many other sectors that they can break into correct correct and I actually happen to know that they're there you know I mean there are there are rumors I've heard from the other side that the populist team is in talks with some extremely large players and I'm not going to mention them because they could fall out at any time but just the fact that at this early stage they may have such a huge success really does argue for the point of holding the tokens because the payout over the longer haul the 30-60-90 is just trivial relative to what these things will be worth a year a year and a half from now that's right so they then break it down into a step-by-step process of what exactly they're going to be doing so the step by step process of using the PP tokens to buy invoices PPT is deposited by the holder to the populist platform in order to purchase the invoice selected 120% is determined by an algorithm and may vary subject to the contract terms but is taken as a full collateral in PPT this is due to the value as it might be volatile over the duration of the contract so he's an added security measure and see that was that was something there you know I mean there if you look at the language in the white paper and so on you can tell that these guys are very serious business people because they're always in in that language it's there's never a risk that is unaddressed there's never a concern that is glossed over and so when you get that level of care in the construction of their linguistic offerings you know that that mindset behind is going to keep going that way and I like the idea that they're deliberately flattening the volatility with their lockup in the smart contract approach made so much sense so the seller of the invoice will receive tradin amount of 80% of this ppt deposit in exchange for their trade again this rate is determined by an algorithm and is subject to change the fee of 0.15 percent goes directly to populist platform for providing the collateral service exclusive of invoice and fees which is paid by the invoice seller not buyer here's the exact six steps page of what exactly is going to happen for anybody that wants to deposit PPT and go through the whole procedure so step one PPT holders see an invoice he or she wishes to trade he deposits his PPT into the pokken GBP collateral contract step 3 he is issued with pokken step 4 he trades an invoice in pokken step 5 funds are paid back by invoice seller into PO Qian collateral contract step 6 the investor receives back his PPT into his ether wallet and profits in pokken minus the fees so you know it's a really good business model there's so much of this and it needs to be done and Liam we're at that point in the breakdown of the old system where there's so much that is not being done in the sense that the factoring the invoice markets and everything are dying simply because of the middlemen involved taking out all of the potential for any growth what with the zero percent interest rates and all the central banks so basically the central banks have squeezed too tightly on everybody and it is affected insurance companies it's affected pension plans it's affected factoring because none of these none of these sectors can get any Delta they're all working on such a small margin that there's no room to make profit there's no room to even make business investments everything becomes a hyper risk and so the cryptocurrencies have arisen just when we need it and now people are saying looking out there and saying well geez all these people are desperate for some funding and business here let's go out and do it and populace is one of the really sharp ones that looked at that aspect of the transaction market ok because if you think about it you can this with governments so you could go and buy an invoice that the Chinese government is willing to sell on tax collections in a particular province that sort of a thing so really secure kind of known return fund so with populist and a few of these other coins coming out will have an effective retirement industry again will have an effective insurance industry again because they'll be able to get yield so yes this is going to oversee correct a lot of the rotten apples out there and large in the situation too let's let's divert for a second go to the idea of super dominance okay we have a situation now where you can examine super dominance and a technical sense and look at it and it's the difference between Google and any other search engine okay the difference between the two is insurmountable does not matter what other search engine you choose and this happens in all of the technical areas where you have a good solid base from which to go so we know that Yahoo is not where Google is even though they had first mover advantage and so this is the kind of thing that we're looking at here it's not simply first mover advantage but if you do have that and you've got the other components that make it a success then basically you become the dominant force and you'll never ever be taken down insofar as the current paradigm is showing and I suspect populace will be the dominant force in this particular niche so that's great because obviously we can see that happening but in a lot of people like hey that's great but you know what can I do to get inside of this now what I will do is later on inside of this interview I will break this down and read through this all a lot more but what I just want to quickly hit on which is exactly what this does for people who are wanting to buy a PPT on Sunday on the 9th what this what this effect actually is inside of the platform say you have 12,000 pounds worth of PPT tokens now you can actually take those against a contract every single month for a whole year which they are projecting inside of some figures that I have which I'll lay out for you shortly effectively a 50% Fiat profit on your PPT tokens so not only do you actually submit your tokens you will generate 50% fiat income off of that plus you'll get your initial tokens back regardless so in that 50% by the way is predicated on existing circumstances so exactly if we if we examine the continued degradation of the fiat in fiat it might be considerably more than that simply because they based it even more but that's quite a unique function which hasn't actually been utilized inside of a token as of yet so that is probably something that is going to be picked up with a lot more other coins and utilize this function inside of a platform and it also adds obviously people will be more reluctant to want to sell when you can effectively create a passive form of income off of your holdings that you currently have inside of PPT currently which you agree with that correct yeah oh yeah certainly and in fact it's going to make a lot of people very reluctant to sell it's going to push the price of the tokens up it's going to actually make everything so much more difficult for those people that don't have them of one and get them but the also on the other side of that is once obtained because of the way in which the populist platform is managed I wouldn't be particularly concerned about super hyper volatility in trying to get involved with that I would just hold for the long term personally now I don't buy these coins in my reports usually although on my vacation period here I'm going to start getting into a few of them populist is a really good coin for anybody that needs that long term investment I really like these guys they were really a standout ok great now one kaylynn end of that is now the public Steve actually stated should anybody forfeit on the contract that you've bought the invoice for then they will you actively challenge and get back the capital that is tied to that contract and that's all through a three-tiered platform of securities that any seller has to put up which is basically like a guarantee for you need to have assets which are obviously liable for forfeiting should you fail to meet the terms on the contract so there's a lot of positive notes when you put your PPT up against an invoice it's pretty secure for making sure that you get them out of the other side of that contract as well along with hopefully a heap of fear cash which you can use and obviously your daily life for paying bills and things like that which would also be of massive use for a lot of people basically right in the middle cost the way that they did this was they thought about the problem in two ways okay because there's always the issue of the people that are or organisations preferring the invoices and then the invoices themselves and so populace you'll note in terms of how they did this they took a well let's validate both ends of it so they have a an approach that is validation on the seller multiple tier approach so the higher up and metier the more secure it's very much an internal rating system the way that bonds would be rated by analysts as that kind of thing right triple-a and so on this is an internal mechanism for that and then they also deal with the individual invoices on the other side of that as a subset of that so they've got it really covered I was just very impressed with the design all the way through okay so do you actually have any price figures that are coming through the data I don't have it that way that's so rare to get numbers I don't have any this thus far on populous what I do know is that we're looking for some temporal markers that will have populous forming long lasting bonds with Chinese official them and as that occurs that I think is going to be their stair step into that super dominant position yeah because obviously you tend to get numbers when it's related to Chinese information don't you so as soon as we start seeing activity out outside then that's when the figures should start presenting themself correct it's sort of worked that way correct we get numbers all the time but there's not necessarily impression hooked to them so I discard them because I can't say for sure what I you know it's what I think it may be but I need to have the Linguistics around it so I suspect maybe in a month or so as populace becomes as it moves out so to speak great in the end of the reality then I suspect that we'll start getting those kind of things it does show relative to its space there's a lot of the same kind of linguistics around populist that we had initially around veritasium so that's you know it's just a real good match for me and I felt very good about putting it into the report great later thank you so much for actually putting it into the report is going to be a lot of people we are very excited for Sunday the 9th to see what happens there's a lot of people who are obviously still outside and wanting to buy so it's going to be obviously an interest in month I guess of development inside of price realizations it's going to be a more so longer than a month as we go through this chaos and stuff but this next month it could be really interesting I agree there's just a lot of people inside the community who just don't know where it's going to start and obviously it's going to be extremely volatile for at least the first few days first week that's why I said like a month at least so it starts to get a bit of a trend and we can see what's happening but obviously the team themselves aren't actually physically able to get access to over 12 million tokens until one year's time anyway so what does that tell you about the actual team behind it they seem sure you have to have that escrow you've got to have that lock out of the posting period if you don't have that these people are just basically allowing themselves to be open to scamming and that's what I really like about all the populist guys they're so focused on you know eliminating the negatives as they go along putting a blockage to fraud wherever they could that kind of thing yeah okay so thank you so much for your time I do have some people that submitted some questions and things so hopefully we can hit those next weeks on stage if you have a bit of time available guys which I'm really sorry that we actually we had a few technical issues this today in order in getting this set up so apologies if you don't have your questions heard for about another week okay yeah we can do it though next week shouldn't be too much of a problem then for him okay well thanks off your time cliff and best of luck in the house thank you all right I've talked to your book for years thanks a lot so go some of you are aware I'm covering a lot of populous and their PPP token that I've decided to offer my services to the populist team as an outlet on YouTube to share their updates and information there are disagree to forward me not only updates but also sensitive data to help paint a picture of where this project will be going over time so my followers will hear first-hand information that can place you ahead of everyone else when it comes to PPT and the populist platform you might wonder why I'm doing this well I've spent a lot of time more than on any other ICO project to date and the more I find out exactly what this has in store the more energetic I am to be fully involved in this creation so before I get started and releasing some of the most explosive news around PBT and the secret sauce I'd like to remind a lot of people that this find and signal mainly came from cliff high as wealth report so Thank You cliff for finding the gem and bringing it to our attention and remember guys if you don't hold in it you can buy on the 9th of July via one of the exchanges that will support this and the details of that will be in the description so let me read the official statement from the populist team 7th of July 2017 behold the secret sauce as we draw closer to the release of PPT we have decided to release some important features and functions around PPT our secret sauce which is a term coined by the populist community we are releasing this information to avoid confusion from our PPT holders should they unwillingly and unknowingly sell their PPT for initial gains upon our token release on the 9th of July without being fully aware of the true benefits of holding people UT so what is the secret sauce simply the secret sauce lies within the populist collateral smart contract and PPT itself by saying this we mean that PPT to be used to purchase invoices on a platform while PPT holders maintain ownership of their PPT holdings this effectively allows PPT holders to receive pocum's every 30 90 and 120 days from their PPT holden's this means the invoice tracts are to be settled by sellers on those timelines at 12 a.m. midnight at the latest so your PPT will be locked for those durations so how valuable will this make PPT there are currently less than 1100 unique account holders of PPT our data analyst shows that most of our PPT holders are willing to go long on PPT and guys I'm just going to insert a couple of images here based upon a Twitter poll that I did with results from around about a hundred people which obviously represents close to 1 percent of account holders so the flick through these Twitter polls you can actually start to see that a lot of the initial investors are not willing to actually sell currently not only because it's not actively live on a exchange but because they understand the business model behind it and when I get down to the further details about the secret sauce these numbers are going to change even higher to the hold rate so I'll carry on by revealing the characteristics about the PPT at this stage and he's referring to the aggressive buy back and burn which obviously I've covered in my initial video where the main team are going to be using revenue created from the platform in fear currency to actively purchase back PPT off of exchanges and burn them in other words delete them from circulation we only expect PPT to become much rarer than it currently is effectively pushing up demand for PPT in the long term future we also expect demand for PPT to rise further from institutional investors once the populist platform goes live into alpha and interest from investors outside the crypto space hear about it for official reasons we cannot release the full inner workings of our algorithm at this present moment but we can say we look at the daily pricing of PPT and the daily circulation of PPT the next is a step by step process on using the PPG tokens to buy invoices PPT is deposited by the holder to the populist platform in order to purchase the invoice selected 120 percent is determined by the algorithm and may vary subject to contract terms but is taken as full collateral in PPT tokens this is due to the value as it might be volatile over the duration of the contract so is an added security measure the seller of the invoice will receive a trade in amount of 80% of this PPT deposit in exchange for their trade again this rate is determined by the algorithm and is subject to change there is then a fee of 0.5% which goes directly to populist platform for providing the collateral service and it is exclusive of invoice and fees which is paid by the invoice seller not the buyer so we have a six stage step for purchase and redemption of all funds at the end so step one PPT holders see an invoice he or she wishes to trade step two he deposits his PPT into the pokken GBP collateral contract which obviously we know that the platform is used in pounds great British pounds as the medium of exchange however they will have all other forms of currencies on the platform as well and this is obviously in the initial video which is about one hour 25 long so I recommend you seeing that if you haven't done so already step 3 he is issued with pokken GBP step 4 he trades an invoice in pokken GBP step 5 funds are paid back by invoice seller into pokken GBP collateral contract step 6 the investor receives back is PPT into his ether wallet and the profit in pocong GBP minus the fees now what I'm going to do now which was different from the cliff high interview is actually break down set of scenarios where we can understand it fully so this will be up on your screen now as well to see with your eyes because I understand a lot of people they can hear the words but it can be very muddling so you need to actually be able to look at it and read the words yourself and let it sink in so you may have to pause the screen and go over this a few times to to get it but when you get it my god does it does it show you the explosive potential of every single person out there who is currently holding PPT tokens and everybody who is wanting to get into this on the 9th of July because to be honest inside of the slack channel which is where a lot of the information is exchanged and I love the community of talking there is only around 500 people now there's 1,100 unique holders which means there are around 500 people who are quite likely not going to be getting this information so those are the people who are quite likely going to not understand what it is that they hold and for those of you who currently don't have people key tokens those are the people that you're going to be buying from in order to understand this and hold it for a longer term to create some significant and quite likely life-changing sums of wealth so breaking down the numbers so for an invoice of say 10,000 pounds this is how it works out PPT buyer has to deposit 12,000 pounds worth of PPT which is 120 percent of invoice total add collateral to purchase outright of which they receive ten thousand GBP pocum's any less and another party will have to join to make up the missing value if it's another PPT holder that joins the trade they we need to deposit the remaining value of 120 percent of the missing total however if it's a pokken holder that joins they only need to deposit a hundred percent as pocum's are pegged one-to-one so only require the missing value to fill the contract so for an invoice amount worth 10,000 GBP tokens the investor buys the invoice could say nine and a half thousand GBP poke ins which is the sale price so the initial investment of nine and a half thousand GBP tokens with the twelve thousand pounds PPT bond as it were the profit will total four hundred and five pounds after deducting financing and platform fees so if you were to repeat this process twelve times throughout the year on a 30-day contract term this would actually create four hundred and five times 12 which is four thousand eight hundred and sixty GBP poke ins now bear in mind that you've converted your holding of PPT tokens for a twelve thousand bond they've got two thousand pounds worth PPT tokens tied up for volatility inside of that token on exchange they've then issued the ten thousand gbb Potence in order to purchase the invoice now for simplicity in math obviously we're not paying ten thousand for the contract we're paying nine thousand five hundred so you're going to have 500 pounds of GBP poked ins inside of your balance but this is obviously just a rough sketch of how the figures work obviously the invoices you're going to be able to purchase for all different types of amount sometimes you might even get them a lot cheaper than this obviously increase in the profit but for the basis of trying to explain this without trying to make it too complicated which I fear it may already be for a lot of people it just takes a bit of time to go over this several times in order to finally let it sink in and it then it starts to make sense but effectively you're converting your twelve thousand pounds worth of PBT tokens you're holding them inside of their platform for the duration of say a year so you are locking those away for a year but you are also gain in cash flow positive cash flow in fiat form which has multiple benefits for obviously if you want to use that to pay for Bill's or you want to use that for reinvesting into things or buying other cryptocurrencies this all becomes available through placing your tokens up against invoices for purchase so we carry on now the profit may vary according to fees etc but this is using the PPT asset which might just be stored in a wallet appreciating over the year anyway so with this added feature you can potentially make almost 50% profit a year in additional gains in the PBT value which is effectively creating passive income for the duration of the platform life and as long as the three security factors of the invoice seller hold up and if they don't populace will do a charge for late payments and recover the debt on the behalf of the investor so this is almost sounding like it's such a watertight thing to be doing that short of our global catastrophe and a complete Mad Max environment this should actually stand the duration of time as well as the transition that we see in inside of the fear world into this crypto space and we finish this update with in the near future we hope to introduce other ERC 20 tokens into our collateral smart contract scheme and expand into other sectors stay tuned and enjoy July the night guys and that is from the populist team so that's a hell of a lot of information that people need to absorb in order to make a decision which is why the populist team came out stating that we really need to get this information out to you guys although it's going to probably put the platform back into the copycat scenario with obviously some of the alleged contenders who are still in beta out of the slack Channel they have deemed it very appropriate to tell everybody this is what the application will be for your token so if you understand what has just been laid out for you then come the night you won't sell which will actually have a massive impact on the demand factor inside of the exchanges and this as I've said is a revolutionary type of token to use this type of setup to create an income off of its token when you don't actually have to sell out of the token so you're taking new enough no risk in this process however you can stake it to generate that is the secret sauce and that is going to change the landscape of cryptocurrency so thank you very much for watching guys and again to all the people that submitted questions via my patreon site I will be having another chat with Cliff where we get those answers and to everybody else thank you so much for all your support and everybody that's joined me over on Twitter where I release a lot of the information firsthand and at a quicker pace than what I can do video updates with so if you haven't already checked me out please do go down to the description bar and head over there and if anybody else feels this information is of value to them and they want to give something back to the channel you also have options down inside the description bar for that as well so guys thank you so much for tuning in and let's get ready to see what happens on the 9th of July take care though to come join me over on patreon we have additional contents integral release from now on from every interview that I have certain areas of this will be unloaded for patreon members only so if you're already a patreon member please do come over there access that content and for those of you who are not a patreon member yet you said we come over and help you become to keep your orange button and I will be put into many other forms of exclusive content on them solely for people to support this channel directly so the more you can come over and join me on Twitter where I do post food updates or release videos and other relevant information and that is silver underscore Abbadon thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video [Music]


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