
Why Clif Highs pick Populous PPT will dominate the crypto sector & destroy the Hive HVN

now this video is going to cover just a few things that are taking place at the moment and things you should do in your due diligence of icos from time to time certain alarms will be set off when you're going through them and you almost get an immediate gut feeling that something isn't quite right so before we actually get into what the main video is going to be around I just want to say this the thing is you can have the most amazing development team and PR team money can buy but this is also normally how some of the greatest swindles are created in their space for instance David Zim Beck of bit Bay was one of those smart developers left in the lurch as CEOs didn't run up with the majority of the acquired funding so don't think for one minute this does not happen because at the end of the day is then the developers who have their reputations on the line when they are associated to such projects and it can be very difficult for them to then find work in the future and have to clear their names so just because respectable names in the field have been employed it's not so much the developers you need to look into it's going to be those higher up the higher management the CEOs etc and then that's not the only thing you have to look deep and cross-check the competitors because many ICO sound good and will work yet many will fail for one reason or another and the very unlucky will wake up with a gut wrenching feeling should you fall victim to this now con men are lined at every corner in this space as many of you will see the bots scams the fake addresses the copycat sites and the low tier con men they can grab a few hundred Bitcoin or aetherium but the real big dawgs of the con game are some of the eye cos as they have enough or gotten games to run a very sophisticated team to gain the trust of the community to siphon thousands if not tens of thousands of bitcoins and aetherium so that's a little precursor in things you have to do for your own personal due diligence in this space with great risk comes great reward but also great loss so I've been spending a fair amount of time inside of this populist area at a PPT token and seeing that there is really truly revolutionary type stuff taking place now there's been some banter insight which has identified what is alleged to be the competitor of populist and this would be the project called hive H I ve and it's come to the community's attention and been identified that hives white paper is a copycat clown of populist this was in fact confirmed by CEO Steven Williams of populist Staton even uses the same US P which is the XBRL extraction software he created just to make it clear they don't have the code now the XBRL as detailed in my previous video stands for extensible business reporting language which is a format detailed in the populist white paper and also inside of the hive white paper now something which is unique to the populist is Steven personally created this extraction tool to remove all the data points 2.8 billion of them into his system which obviously I've do not have access to now add into this red flag is their white paper let's start with the first white paper that was released from hive it was four pages of information and one cover page then it magically matched the nineteen of populist white paper on version two which has now just been updated wonder why how exactly can hive utilized for profit something they can't even access but will have to create their own database and code yet claim they have access to populous so ask yourself that question the answer is it's actually impossible for them to have access so there's actually a little bit of a second red flag as well hive accepts both aetherium and Bitcoin for their token and they can't get the price stability right for the token pison simply due to the fluctuations of both of the crypto currencies now furthermore there's a deeper question which is you need to ask how hive will get invoice sellers on their platform and this is a question that anybody who's looking to participate in the hive network needs to find the answer to and once you find the answer you will understand why populous is different and there's a third red flag that I've identified they won't release any data sheets that are normally made public on other icos for the community to identify errors and inconsistencies and this is regarding a lot of the bounties that are taking place on their main Bitcoin talk it's kind of being a little bit avoided and a lot of the challenging questions i've noticed are also being avoided by the hive team and I'd also just like to point out I'm speaking freely of my own opinion and views this is obviously not authorized by anybody inside of the populist team this is just cross-reference findings that I have between both platforms because the most important reason I'm doing this video is I'm trying to identify that copycats should not be allowed to get away with copying other people's content because where is the originality in that format now what would be the reason of trying to copy something is you're trying to either imitate and piggyback off the back of a more successful operation or you are trying to take advantage of the uneducated community who may not have the depth and ability to see a good business sense versus a bad one or a good project versus a scam especially when things are so correlating on business proposals now it's also stated that hive has a different function to populous in the marketplace and we cover that more shortly but if that's the case then why would the white papers be so similar in format and werden should show the lack of originality now it's quite funny because I noticed populist CEO Stephen he went onto the hives ledger and directly spoke with the CEO of hive and expressed his concerns about the white paper scenario now hive CEO congratulated Stephens project and suggested that maybe they can work together in the future now I'm not sure what he quite means by work together in the future other than what I will say shortly later on in this video now if it's more the case of he's wanting to join the two businesses together then I have a question if you want to bring something to the table and for the populist team to take you seriously don't you think it's better to actually have some skills and some functions other than what appears to be a copy and paste as to be quite honest you know most of us are quite capable of handling their house elves but more to the point why would populist need to work with them exactly to split his profits and its XBRL code I don't think so so the question is I don't there's no real benefit for populace to share any internal workings of its own platform with the hive team but anyway without getting into too much nitty-gritty back-and-forth antagonistic type approaches this really is just a simple of we're in this video of not only what people need to be aware of that's there's that internal grind between each of the IC O's that come out especially the ones that are in direct competition I mean sure there's going to be a lot of propagation and spilt between challenging companies but that's why you then need to take it back down to the basic level of facts who has what who is bringing what to the table and then that's where the deep research due diligence pays dividends because then you're able to identify the legitimate I SEOs from the illegitimate because the last thing we want to do is wake up with burnt fingers and toes from a bad investment now I just picked up a few comments out of their Bitcoin talk channel and this first one was published on the 30th of June from the hive project underscore net which is called it hive project team we've just released a new version of the hive project white paper which is more technical which as I identified earlier they jumped from a four page white paper to a 19 so here's the main question that I wanted to expand on which was submitted on the 18th of June guys I'm from a finance background and know the real pains of waiting to be paid and think leveraging the invoice financially is brilliant I am confused about the difference between hive project and populous both are claiming to be the first in the invoice finance space and both are planning to do the same thing or is there actual difference in the offerings so the hive team responded if I understand correctly populous is aim is to become an invoice exchange platform where you can buy and sell invoices however hive project is aiming at something different hive project uses invoice factoring to get the invoice entry into the system we will first provide the initial credit score by evaluating publicly available history data on the business so they are referred to the XBRL database but however they have no functionality to extract that data which is exactly what Stephen Williams has got hence they don't have the code to extract this data so currently the hive project has nothing but the statement of they won't extract historical data they go to say in the first stage of hive project platform we will create a hive fund that will itself lend to small businesses so the funds that will be deposited via the ICO are gonna be lent out to small businesses so anybody that's investing is directly investing in a whole host of small businesses bear in mind small businesses have a high failure rate especially if you follow my channel and understand the macro situation inside of the sector and the high likelihood of defaults coming soon this is why it's been stated another way there are no limits to the level of losses inside of hives business model they go on to say that will also enable us to gather more data on the business in the beginning we expect the credit rating to be less accurate because we have less data to work from in other words guys they they're starting from scratch ok whereas the populist team have six years worth of data points inside of their system which classes has already established their platform is immediately functional as soon as it is released in a few months time these people in hive are telling you that they want to take your funds and start from the very beginning with all the risk with all the work that's required to gather this data they don't have the ability to extract the data therefore we will be lending small amounts with more Commission to fine-tune the algorithm and historical data in order to be able to lend higher value with less Commission expenses so they're going to be starting the business off by lending small amounts with high Commission in order to create their historical data with with algorithmic abilities to create risk associations and comparing that again to the populist side well this is already done so there's no trial and error there's no setting up the system there's no taking large amounts of capital to have a go now also when you're entering into a business chain for the first time into this crypto space if you're offering high commissions in a area where populace is going to be adding extremely low commissions well where's the business going to be are people going to be willing to spend higher amounts for the same service I doubt it very much because it really comes down to this simple fact if these two businesses are so different one doing leveraging of invoices and the other one just simply selling and buying on the platform whether it is absolutely nothing stopping populous expanding when it's already established data points to completely cripple hives ability to function as a profitable business because of that function of leveraging finance against invoice is not yet available on the populist platform then it won't take much to implement it and I wouldn't even say that it isn't in the pipeline because at the moment this is an early stage platform that's been created and it is going to grow with a ferocious appetite to dominate the marketplace and you just have to look at the logistics of something starting from complete scratch with many months and potentially years to get something functioning correctly especially with growing market share growing capital and creating profits through its system because from my understanding is most of the if not all of the funds are going to be pretty much used to develop the business well let's take it this way populist is aiming to generate a hundred million dollars and you can convert that obviously into pounds within the first year of trading so do you understand that when populace is creating that vast amount of income it's very first year because clients are already lined up and hive is actively spending funds to generate future profits while populace will consume a hive in next to no time so hopefully you can see well why I'm going this direction with hive as a project and this is all because of the disrespectful approach of hive copyin populace is white paper so let's carry on with the main topic and finish off on the comment furthermore the next step will be to provide you with historical data and credit rating system to enable peer-to-peer lending like an exchange but the end goal for us for hive is to become an ecosystem for credit scoring of the companies of third party auditing so they wanted to become like an experience you know where people go to get their data for risk of businesses well this is a function that populace will have out of the gate if they want to add a side function onto their platform expanding from the very basic function of invoice purchasing insulin which is as I say it's the very start and block of the populist business they are going to be expanding far more rapidly than anything else inside of this sector and we'll obviously dominate the sector in the years to come because I said again they have the data already in the system they are months and months ahead of any competitor who as has clearly stated by the hive team we are not a competitor and it also goes further guys they go on to say to kick-start our journey we will have the hive project fund by invoices in crypto however later on it will be an ecosystem with the data offer to the market so again they're going to be using the funds to trial and error and to buy invoices in the crypto space well let's just look at this and who is the one who is offering invoices when its populace so what is the likelihood that hive will come and purchase invoices for their data collection directly from the populace platform thus creating even more demand and success on the populist platform now they could avoid this by going to the mainstream areas in the fiat currency land but then they're going to be paying even higher transaction rates and fees which obviously populace is undercutting so it goes without saying the indicators for the success of populous over the hive project is astounding so the question is would you rather put your investments into the hive project or would you rather go for the dominant force in the sector why go for second best when you can have first I'll see in the next video guys we'd like to come join me over on patreon we have additional content which will be released from now on from every interview that I have certain areas of this will be uploaded for patreon members only so if you're already a patreon member please do come over there access and content and for those of you who are not a patreon member yet you see we come over and hit the become a patreon orange button and I put in many other forms of exclusive content on them solely for people to support this channel directly furthermore you can come over and join me on Twitter where I do post full updates or released videos and other relevant information and that is silver underscore Canada thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video


Hi, Its me Hafeez. A webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI/UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest top Author and Front-End Developer. I'am business speaker, marketer, Blogger and Javascript Programmer.

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